Brittingham kids gift exchange 1966

After Barbara got married us 5 kids decided to exchange gifts. Marty wanted a set of Currier and Ives. Thomas's drug store had a display in their window for Christmas. I had to save a lot of money by babysitting the Butler kids and working janitor work with Mom and Dad. I messed up Marty's surprise for me and Marilyn. I was making his bed and found a charm braclet for me and a pearl necklace for Marilyn under his pillow. I took to Mom and Marty was there and he said "thanks Kaye those are you and Marilyn's Christmas presents!" I will mever forget being so "snoopey" !!! Thurman got me a blue glass vase at Gibson's and I still have it! He got Dave a really cool ash try and I still have it! Andrew thought it was so vintage cool he is in position of it. Those were such wonderful Christmas's


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