For Dad, His Birthday November 19th

Today was Dad's birthday, he was always the happiest when we were all together. This picture at Barbara's was their 50th wedding anniversary. What Dad wanted on his birthday was only visit or phone calls from all of us. If he saw or heard from all of us "kids" as he called us he would say "it was a good birthday. If we got him a gift it was a set of Old Spice, which he would rave over! Dad was not perfect and probably did a lot of things wrong in his life but he always made sure us "kids" had a nice clean home, nice clean clothes and plenty of food. He would provide this by working 2-3 jobs and taking out store credit where he could. If he took out store credit he ALWAYS paid it back. He was a proud man and a good man. He was a true "Dad" I miss Dad's phone calls and there are times when I just want to call him, he was always a "comfort" to talk to, he tried his best to understand what was going on in my life and would never give advice, he would just listen.


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