Poor Pitiful Pearl Doll

With Flora wanting the latest doll fade, Baby Alive I remembered when I was in the 1st or 2nd grade the popular doll was Poor Pitiful Pearl. My friend across the alley, Ellen Swager got one for Christmas. I did not. Apparantly it was too expensive for my parents to buy me for Christmas. There were 6 of us children to buy for, Ellen and her big sister were the only children in their family. I remember just asking Ellen if I could hold her? She was so Awesome! I just kept hoping the next Christmas I would get a Poor Pitiful Pearl doll of my own, I never did.

Poor Pitiful Pearl was based on a cartoon character created by William Steig. The doll was first marketed in 1958 by the Brookglad Corp., Glad Toy Co. Later in 1963, the Horsman Doll Company took over the manufacture. Research tells me she came in either a 12" or 17" version. She was also marketed in 1976 but had the 1963 markings. The original doll came with two outfits; a tattered dress, in variations of the above, and a party dress.
This is the early 12" version of Poor Pitiful Pearl made by Brookglad Creations, Inc. in the late 50sThis is another version of an early Poor Pitiful Pearl. Also made by Brookglad Creations, she is marked on the back of her neck "Glad Toy". She is different than the doll above in that she is 17" tall, and has a one piece stuffed vinyl body. Her arms and legs are not jointed but are part of the body. She has wires inside her body to give it form. This Pearl is wearing the "party dress" that came with her. She is actually from the late 50s.


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