Haden's and Kress Dime Store Nevada Mo 1965

(Double click on the top of the Kress building and you can see the KRESS name)

Haden's was where every teenager got their Bobbie Brooks (Bobbie Brooks was founded and owned by Maurice Saltzman. It was based in Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1959, became the first woman's garment-making company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. During the 1960s, Bobbie Brooks was one of the five largest garment manufacturers in the US, with fifteen factories producing 18,000,000 garments a year.
Bobbie Brooks used an organized plan of choosing which garments to manufacture. This plan utilized a comsumer board made up of 600 of their targeted consumers - junior-sized teens and young women. The company is now owned by Garan)

Haden's was the "IN" place to shop and it was very expensive. We did not get our clothes here until we had jobs of our own as teenager's. I remember a classmate of mine (can't call her a friend because we were never friends like today's BFF's) Debbie Ireland's mother took her shopping at Haden's every Fall before school started and I think she had one of everything in the store. Christy Bell's (another classmate) mother worked at Haden's and she also had a closets full of Haden's clothes! I remember being in Haden's once, I think I was 12 or 13 and Christy Bell's mother asked me if "I was another Brittingham?"

Next door was Kress's Dime Store, one amazing store! We loved Scott's and Kress's! I remember getting a swim suit at Kress's when I was 13 or 14. The swimsuit was red with white brocade floral design it costed a $1.99. When Marty saw me at the swimming pool in it he promptly put me in his car and took me to Edmiston's Clothing Store (larger clothing store than Haden's and more expensive!) and bought me the coolest 2 piece turquoise pok-a-dot swim suit with ruffles on the top and the bottom! I don't know how much it cost but he paid for it and I thought I was way cool!

Kress's also had the biggest toy department and they sold those little turtles that someone had painted their backs with different designs.

Mom also bought her house dresses here and tennis shoes. The dresses came folded up in a plastic bag, I think they were $1.99. The tennis shoes were $1.00 we also bought this for gym class. I think we got our gym clothes next door to Kress's at J. C. Penney's.

What was it like to shop in a Dime Store in 1965? Take a look!

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