Who will be Andrew's new neighbors?

MP5, The Community
Phase 1, The Lofts building has passed 50% occupancy and is growing. A vibrant community is forming with artists and creatives from a wide range of disciplines. Current (4.09) residents include: a poet and writer, two chefs, a college gallery, musicians, a sound artist, a conceptual artist, several painters, two experimental theater groups, and a photographer.
The new residents have brought with them a shared passion for creative pursuits, lifestyle, employment, and ambitions. It is exciting to see the Milepost 5 Community for Creatives becoming an actual, active, engaged community with a plethora of creative projects going on.
If you want to stay informed about what the community is up to as it grows, sign up for our Newsletter on the right side of this page.→ → → → → → →
The Newsletter will feature a new resident quarterly. The current featured resident can be seen here.
Find out what Milepost 5 residents are up to on the residents page and on the social network site that Milepost 5 established up for their use: Milepost5.ning.com.
Don't miss the residents' curatorial program for The Lofts' common spaces. New shows open every other month.


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