Today Last Year Dec. 3rd 2007

When Barbara and I arrived at the hospital this morning Dr. Barnes was in the process of rushing Mom to Joplin Hospital for Kidney Dialysis. We had just completed Mom and Dad's Medical Directives. We did not realize until we got to Joplin that Mom's directive said she did not want to be hooked to machines to prolong her life, this included a dialysis machine.
The Doctor explained to us they could not do the dialysis and we agreed. Mom had terminal cancer and subjecting her to dialysis did not make sense. So they had Barbara ans I talk to the Social Worker about our options for Mom's medical care. We were told it would be best to place her in a Care Center with Skilled Nurses 24/7, and make her comfortable.
The Social Worker called Moore Few and we reserved a room with 2 beds for we knew Dad would not leave Mom. Then we found out Mom had to stay in the Joplin Hospital for "3 Midnights" per Medicare Rules before she went to the Care Center. This was the requirement she had to meet so Medicare would pay for 100 days of medical care at Moore Few. So I stayed with Mom and Dad, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday night in Joplin Freeman Hospital sleeping in a chair by Mom's bedside. Marilyn and Shelley came on Thursday and spent the night. Mom was tranferred to Moore Few Friday Morning, Dec. 7th. On that same day we had to admit Dad to Moore Few as a patient so he could stay 24/7 with Mom, little did we know Dad had as serious health problems as Mom! By the time Mom was admitted to Moore Few she was suffering dileriumn
Delirium involves a quick change between mental states (for example, from lethargy to agitation and back to lethargy).

Symptoms include:

Changes in alertness (usually more alert in the morning, less alert at night)
Changes in feeling (sensation) and perception
Changes in level of consciousness or awareness
Changes in movement (for example, may be inactive or slow moving)
Changes in sleep patterns, drowsiness
Confusion (disorientation) about time or place
Decrease in short-term memory and recall
Unable to remember events since delirium began (anterograde amnesia)
Unable to remember past events (retrograde amnesia)
Disrupted or wandering attention
Inability to think or behave with purpose
Problems concentrating
Disorganized thinking
Speech that doesn't make sense (incoherent)
Inability to stop speech patterns or behaviors
Emotional or personality changes
Movements triggered by changes in the nervous system (psychomotor restlessness)

We then found out Mom had a serious upper bladder infection and this can cause the dileriumn. This was the start of very long days and weeks dealing with Mom and Dad both in the Care Center.


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