Midnight the Brittingham family dog 1958

The only picture we have of our "rowdy" pet dog Midnight, he had a bit Rottweiler in him and was as "mean" as a Junk Yard Dog except to us kids he was friendly and protective.  He would get in fights with other neighborhood dogs and Mom would run out of the house and get the water hose to spray on them to break up the fight!
He was a stray Barbara brought home. He was with us on (I think) Spring St, Cherry St. and Main St. On Cherry St. when we were walking home from Franklin school Midnight would run and meet us, he knew the exact time! One time he got hit by a car, but was OK.
On Cherry St the city passed and ordinance and we had to keep him "tied" up in the back yard/garage. There were times we had no dog food so Marty would fix Midnight a dish of milk and bread torn up in pieces. After Marty passed away Midnight was not himself he seemed to be very sad like we were not to ever see Marty again, I know he missed him!  Midnight passed away one night in his chair in the garage, Mom cried when she told me.


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