Barbara Remembers Visting Grandma and Grandpa Evans

I would take the bus from Nevada to Butler..The Nevada Bus Station was next to the White Grill...I would get off in Butler, with suitcase in hand, and usually walk to Grandma and Grandpa Evans' house... I would stay for about a week...I remember Grandma cooking and always wearing an apron. They had big front porch and a porch swing which I thought was neat... Wanda and Connie would come over to visit, then I would go over to their house........ I also remember going out to our cousin Sue's farm and swimming in the stock tank! I thought their farm was so neat! I really don't remember much about Grandpa Evans... He was gone most of the time...He still had the furniture store, so I do remember walking up to the square with Wanda and Connie and wandering around the store...He had mostly used furniture, which I am sure now would qualify as anitques! I don't remember how old I was, maybe 12 or 13....and I probably visited them two or three times ......I am glad I made the effort to visit them, and am a little surprised that Mom and Dad let me go off by myself. It was an adventure !!!!!!!!


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